Here’s a special edition of the iPhone photo dump… Katie and I took a hike up in the mountains of West Vancouver, just above the British Properties. There’s a whole network of trails that crisscross the mountains, but we were looking to do something that was going to be fun, but not too crazy. We’d done a variation of the Brothers Creek Loop before, so we figured we’d do a slightly shorter version of it on this day. It was a bit warm, so I didn’t need to be pushing it up there. If you check the link there, the description will tell you it’s about a 4 hour hike, but that’s an exaggeration. We did the whole loop in just over 2, and we were taking our time and checking out things along the way.
Enjoy a few of the pictures from the hike…

About the iPhone photo dump: I shoot a lot of photos in the average month, whether it be on my iPhone (or any of my other cameras). Sadly, most of these photos never see the light of day and sit buried somewhere on a hard-drive. I’m using this monthly feature to set some of those photos free. You can see my full archive of iPhone Photo dumps here.