October happened a little while back – it seems like forever now, and I’ve been slacking on keeping up with the photos. Here’s the latest…
- Hwy 99 on the way to the Squamish skatepark. The new Mastodon album was playing, which made the trip that much better. Been playing that album a lot.
- We went to the opening party at the Museum of Vancouver for the Neon Vancouver | Ugly Vancouver show – good stuff. Good to see some of those old signs buzzing like crazy again.
- The fall colours of our neighbourhood in Kitsilano, this street always goes crazy bright red for as far as you can see.
- For Thanksgiving weekend, we bailed on our annual Oregon coast trip because of heavy rains, and so we headed to the Okanagan to catch the last bit of summer. The warm days made up for the -15° temperatures at night in the tent left a little to be desired. We made some hamburgers on the open grill, but only had hot dog buns leftover, so we had hamburgerdogs and those delicious potatoes you see wrapped in tinfoil.
- One of the things we did on our camping trip was a ride on our bikes on a 25km stretch (round trip) of the Myra Canyon Trestles, which is part of the Kettle Valley Railway Trail (and the Trans Canada trail). I’ve wanted to do that ride for a while, and the trestles were just completed their rebuild in 2008 (many of the 12+ trestles burned to the ground in the 2003 forest fires in the region). Doing this ride at this time of the year turned out to be perfect, because usually we’re in the area during the peak of summer temperatures… This photo is one of the larger trestles on the ride and has a nice lookout area halfway across. A couple more pictures below are from the Myra Canyon ride.
- I tweeted this picture of this ‘Cooksgiving Day’ cake at work on October 4th. Our web developer, James, makes special Apple-themed cakes for product announcements, and this was the day of the announcement of the iPhone 4S. These product announcements, formerly know as ‘JobsMas’ needed a new name because this was Tim Cook’s first product launch as CEO. Steve Jobs died the following day. Bummer.
- Camping at Hydraulic Lake, we rode our bikes a good distance down a very underused road and stopped here to check out the sunset. There’s another picture of that sunset below.
- A couple of carrots that Katie pulled out of our garden – how one can grow so large and the one right beside barely grow at all…
- Halloween night this guy was riding his bike around the neighbourhood, and you could see the glow from half a block away. His ‘Tron’ bike was covered in LED lights (and many, many batteries), and was so bright the colours barely register in this photo.

Listening to:
Mastadon – The Hunter
The Rakes – Capture/Release
Rainer Maria – Rainer Maria s/t (reissue)
Sonic Youth – Daydream Nation (Deluxe Edition)
Snowpony – The Slow-Motion World Of Snowpony
Wagon Christ – Toomorrow
Wavves – Life Sux EP
Rival Schools – Pedals
Karnivool – Sound Awake
The Flowers of Hell – The Flowers of Hell s/t
Feeder – Silent Cry
Anvil – Juggernaut of Justice
About the iPhone photo dump: I shoot a lot of photos in the average month, whether it be on my iPhone (or any of my other cameras). Sadly, most of these photos never see the light of day, and sit buried somewhere on a hard-drive. I’m using this monthly feature to set some of those photos free. You can see my full archive of iPhone Photo dumps here.